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JDBC is the key Java technology for relational database access. Oracle is
arguably the most widely used relational database platform in the world. In this
book, Donald Bales brings these two technologies together, and shows you how to
leverage the full power of Oracle's implementation of JDBC.
You begin by
learning the all-important mysteries of establishing database connections. This
can be one of the most frustrating areas for programmers new to JDBC, and Donald
covers it well with detailed information and examples showing how to make
database connections from applications, applets, Servlets, and even from Java
programs running within the database itself.
Next comes thorough
coverage of JDBC's relational SQL features. You'll learn how to issue SQL
statements and get results back from the database, how to read and write data
from large, streaming data types such as BLOBs, CLOBs, and BFILEs, and you'll
learn how to interface with Oracle's other built-in programming language,
If you're taking advantage of the Oracle's relatively new
ability to create object tables and column objects based on user-defined
datatypes, you'll be pleased with Don's thorough treatment of this subject. Don
shows you how to use JPublisher and JDBC to work seamlessly with Oracle database
objects from within Java programs. You'll also learn how to access nested tables
and arrays using JDBC.
Donald concludes the book with a discussion of
transaction management, locking, concurrency, and performance--topics that every
professional JDBC programmer must be familiar with. If you write Java programs
to run against an Oracle database, this book is a must-have.
Table of Contents
Part I. Overview
1. Introduction to JDBC
Part II. Connections
2. Application Database Connections
3. Applet Database Connections
4. Servlet Database Connections
5. Internal Database Connections
6. Oracle Advanced Security
7. JNDI and Connection Pooling
Part III. Relational SQL
8. A Relational SQL Example
9. Statements
10. Result Sets
11. Prepared Statements
12. Streaming Data Types
13. Callable Statements
Part IV. Object-Relational SQL
14. An Object-Relational SQL Example
15. Weakly Typed Object SQL
16. Strongly Typed Object SQL
Part V. Essentials
17. Transactions
18. Detection and Locking
19. Performance
20. Troubleshooting
JDBC 是 Java 中用於關聯式資料庫存取的關鍵技術。Oracle 可以說是全球最廣泛使用的關聯式資料庫平台。在本書中,Donald Bales 將這兩種技術結合在一起,並向您展示如何充分利用 Oracle 對 JDBC 的實作。
您將首先學習建立資料庫連接的所有重要奧秘。這對於新接觸 JDBC 的程式設計師來說,可能是最令人沮喪的領域之一,而 Donald 以詳細的資訊和範例很好地涵蓋了這一點,展示了如何從應用程式、Applet、Servlet,甚至是從在資料庫內部運行的 Java 程式中建立資料庫連接。
接下來是對 JDBC 的關聯 SQL 特性的全面介紹。您將學習如何發出 SQL 語句並從資料庫中獲取結果,如何從大型串流資料類型(如 BLOB、CLOB 和 BFILE)中讀取和寫入資料,還有如何與 Oracle 的另一種內建程式語言 PL/SQL 進行介接。
如果您正在利用 Oracle 相對較新的功能來根據使用者定義的資料類型創建物件表和列物件,您會對 Don 對這一主題的全面處理感到滿意。Don 向您展示如何使用 JPublisher 和 JDBC 從 Java 程式中無縫地操作 Oracle 資料庫物件。您還將學習如何使用 JDBC 存取嵌套表和陣列。
Donald 在書的結尾討論了交易管理、鎖定、併發和效能——這些是每位專業 JDBC 程式設計師必須熟悉的主題。如果您編寫 Java 程式以在 Oracle 資料庫上運行,這本書是必備的。
1. JDBC 介紹
2. 應用程式資料庫連接
3. Applet 資料庫連接
4. Servlet 資料庫連接
5. 內部資料庫連接
6. Oracle 進階安全性
7. JNDI 和連接池
第三部分:關聯 SQL
8. 關聯 SQL 範例
9. 語句
10. 結果集
11. 預備語句
12. 串流資料類型
13. 可呼叫語句
第四部分:物件關聯 SQL
14. 物件關聯 SQL 範例
15. 弱型別物件 SQL
16. 強型別物件 SQL
17. 交易
18. 偵測與鎖定
19. 效能
20. 疑難排解