Spidering Hacks (Paperback)
暫譯: 蜘蛛爬行黑客技巧 (平裝本)
Kevin Hemenway, Tara Calishain
- 出版商: O'Reilly
- 出版日期: 2003-12-02
- 售價: $1,270
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $1,207
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 424
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0596005776
- ISBN-13: 9780596005771
Python、程式語言、Web-crawler 網路爬蟲
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The Internet, with its profusion of information, has made us hungry for ever more, ever better data. Out of necessity, many of us have become pretty adept with search engine queries, but there are times when even the most powerful search engines aren't enough. If you've ever wanted your data in a different form than it's presented, or wanted to collect data from several sites and see it side-by-side without the constraints of a browser, then Spidering Hacks is for you.
Spidering Hacks takes you to the next level in Internet data retrieval--beyond search engines--by showing you how to create spiders and bots to retrieve information from your favorite sites and data sources. You'll no longer feel constrained by the way host sites think you want to see their data presented--you'll learn how to scrape and repurpose raw data so you can view in a way that's meaningful to you.
Written for developers, researchers, technical assistants, librarians, and power users, Spidering Hacks provides expert tips on spidering and scraping methodologies. You'll begin with a crash course in spidering concepts, tools (Perl, LWP, out-of-the-box utilities), and ethics (how to know when you've gone too far: what's acceptable and unacceptable). Next, you'll collect media files and data from databases. Then you'll learn how to interpret and understand the data, repurpose it for use in other applications, and even build authorized interfaces to integrate the data into your own content. By the time you finish Spidering Hacks, you'll be able to:
- Aggregate and associate data from disparate locations, then store and manipulate the data as you like
- Gain a competitive edge in business by knowing when competitors' products are on sale, and comparing sales ranks and product placement on e-commerce sites
- Integrate third-party data into your own applications or web sites
- Make your own site easier to scrape and more usable to others
- Keep up-to-date with your favorite comics strips, news stories, stock tips, and more without visiting the site every day
Like the other books in O'Reilly's popular Hacks series, Spidering Hacks brings you 100 industrial-strength tips and tools from the experts to help you master this technology. If you're interested in data retrieval of any type, this book provides a wealth of data for finding a wealth of data.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Walking Softly
1. A Crash Course in Spidering and Scraping
2. Best Practices for You and Your Spider
3. Anatomy of an HTML Page
4. Registering Your Spider
5. Preempting Discovery
6. Keeping Your Spider Out of Sticky Situations
7. Finding the Patterns of Identifiers
Chapter 2. Assembling a Toolbox
Perl Modules
Resources You May Find Helpful
8. Installing Perl Modules
9. Simply Fetching with LWP::Simple
10. More Involved Requests with LWP::UserAgent
11. Adding HTTP Headers to Your Request
12. Posting Form Data with LWP
13. Authentication, Cookies, and Proxies
14. Handling Relative and Absolute URLs
15. Secured Access and Browser Attributes
16. Respecting Your Scrapee's Bandwidth
17. Respecting robots.txt
18. Adding Progress Bars to Your Scripts
19. Scraping with HTML::TreeBuilder
20. Parsing with HTML::TokeParser
21. WWW::Mechanize 101
22. Scraping with WWW::Mechanize
23. In Praise of Regular Expressions
24. Painless RSS with Template::Extract
25. A Quick Introduction to XPath
26. Downloading with curl and wget
27. More Advanced wget Techniques
28. Using Pipes to Chain Commands
29. Running Multiple Utilities at Once
30. Utilizing the Web Scraping Proxy
31. Being Warned When Things Go Wrong
32. Being Adaptive to Site Redesigns
Chapter 3. Collecting Media Files
33. Detective Case Study: Newgrounds
34. Detective Case Study: iFilm
35. Downloading Movies from the Library of Congress
36. Downloading Images from Webshots
37. Downloading Comics with dailystrips
38. Archiving Your Favorite Webcams
39. News Wallpaper for Your Site
40. Saving Only POP3 Email Attachments
41. Downloading MP3s from a Playlist
42. Downloading from Usenet with nget
Chapter 4. Gleaning Data from Databases
43. Archiving Yahoo! Groups Messages with yahoo2mbox
44. Archiving Yahoo! Groups Messages with WWW::Yahoo::Groups
45. Gleaning Buzz from Yahoo!
46. Spidering the Yahoo! Catalog
47. Tracking Additions to Yahoo!
48. Scattersearch with Yahoo! and Google
49. Yahoo! Directory Mindshare in Google
50. Weblog-Free Google Results
51. Spidering, Google, and Multiple Domains
52. Scraping Amazon.com Product Reviews
53. Receive an Email Alert for Newly Added Amazon.com Reviews
54. Scraping Amazon.com Customer Advice
55. Publishing Amazon.com Associates Statistics
56. Sorting Amazon.com Recommendations by Rating
57. Related Amazon.com Products with Alexa
58. Scraping Alexa's Competitive Data with Java
59. Finding Album Information with FreeDB and Amazon.com
60. Expanding Your Musical Tastes
61. Saving Daily Horoscopes to Your iPod
62. Graphing Data with RRDTOOL
63. Stocking Up on Financial Quotes
64. Super Author Searching
65. Mapping O'Reilly Best Sellers to Library Popularity
66. Using All Consuming to Get Book Lists
67. Tracking Packages with FedEx
68. Checking Blogs for New Comments
69. Aggregating RSS and Posting Changes
70. Using the Link Cosmos of Technorati
71. Finding Related RSS Feeds
72. Automatically Finding Blogs of Interest
73. Scraping TV Listings
74. What's Your Visitor's Weather Like?
75. Trendspotting with Geotargeting
76. Getting the Best Travel Route by Train
77. Geographic Distance and Back Again
78. Super Word Lookup
79. Word Associations with Lexical Freenet
80. Reformatting Bugtraq Reports
81. Keeping Tabs on the Web via Email
82. Publish IE's Favorites to Your Web Site
83. Spidering GameStop.com Game Prices
84. Bargain Hunting with PHP
85. Aggregating Multiple Search Engine Results
86. Robot Karaoke
87. Searching the Better Business Bureau
88. Searching for Health Inspections
89. Filtering for the Naughties
Chapter 5. Maintaining Your Collections
90. Using cron to Automate Tasks
91. Scheduling Tasks Without cron
92. Mirroring Web Sites with wget and rsync
93. Accumulating Search Results Over Time
Chapter 6. Giving Back to the World
94. Using XML::RSS to Repurpose Data
95. Placing RSS Headlines on Your Site
96. Making Your Resources Scrapable with Regular Expressions
97. Making Your Resources Scrapable with a REST Interface
98. Making Your Resources Scrapable with XML-RPC
99. Creating an IM Interface
100. Going Beyond the Book
網際網路上資訊的豐富使我們渴望獲得更多、更好的數據。出於必要,許多人已經變得相當擅長使用搜尋引擎查詢,但有時即使是最強大的搜尋引擎也無法滿足需求。如果你曾經希望以不同的形式獲取數據,或想從多個網站收集數據並並排查看,而不受瀏覽器的限制,那麼《Spidering Hacks》就是為你而寫的。
《Spidering Hacks》將帶你進入網際網路數據檢索的下一個層次——超越搜尋引擎——教你如何創建蜘蛛和機器人,從你最喜愛的網站和數據來源中檢索信息。你將不再受到主機網站認為你想要查看其數據的方式的限制——你將學會如何抓取和重新利用原始數據,以便以對你有意義的方式查看。
本書是為開發人員、研究人員、技術助理、圖書館員和高級用戶撰寫的,提供了有關蜘蛛和抓取方法的專家建議。你將從蜘蛛概念、工具(Perl、LWP、現成的工具)和倫理(如何知道何時越界:什麼是可接受和不可接受的)的一個速成課程開始。接下來,你將從數據庫中收集媒體文件和數據。然後你將學會如何解釋和理解數據,將其重新利用於其他應用程序,甚至構建授權接口將數據整合到你自己的內容中。當你完成《Spidering Hacks》時,你將能夠:
- 從不同位置聚合和關聯數據,然後根據需要存儲和操作數據
- 通過了解競爭對手的產品何時打折,並比較電子商務網站上的銷售排名和產品擺放,獲得商業競爭優勢
- 將第三方數據整合到你自己的應用程序或網站中
- 使你自己的網站更容易被抓取,並對其他人更具可用性
- 隨時了解你最喜愛的漫畫、新聞故事、股票建議等,而無需每天訪問網站
像O'Reilly的其他熱門Hacks系列書籍一樣,《Spidering Hacks》為你提供了100個來自專家的工業級技巧和工具,幫助你掌握這項技術。如果你對任何類型的數據檢索感興趣,本書提供了豐富的數據來幫助你找到大量數據。
- 版權頁
- 前言
- 第1章. 輕聲行走
- 1. 蜘蛛和抓取的速成課程
- 2. 你和你的蜘蛛的最佳實踐
- 3. HTML頁面的解剖
- 4. 註冊你的蜘蛛
- 5. 預防被發現
- 6. 讓你的蜘蛛遠離棘手的情況
- 7. 找到識別符的模式
- 第2章. 組建工具箱
- Perl模組
- 你可能會覺得有用的資源
- 8. 安裝Perl模組
- 9. 使用LWP::Simple簡單抓取
- 10. 使用LWP::UserAgent進行更複雜的請求
- 11. 為你的請求添加HTTP標頭
- 12. 使用LWP發送表單數據
- 13. 認證、Cookies和代理
- 14. 處理相對和絕對URL
- 15. 安全訪問和瀏覽器屬性
- 16. 尊重你的抓取對象的帶寬
- 17. 尊重robots.txt
- 18. 為你的腳本添加進度條
- 19. 使用HTML::TreeBuilder抓取
- 20. 使用HTML::TokeParser解析
- 21. WWW::Mechanize 101
- 22. 使用WWW::Mechanize抓取
- 23. 讚美正則表達式
- 24. 使用Template::Extract輕鬆處理RSS
- 25. XPath快速入門
- 26. 使用curl和wget下載
- 27. 更高級的wget技術
- 28. 使用管道鏈接命令
- 29. 同時運行多個工具
- 30. 利用網頁抓取代理
- 31. 當事情出錯時獲得警告
- 32. 適應網站重新設計
- 第3章. 收集媒體文件
- 33. 偵探案例研究:Newgrounds
- 34. 偵探案例研究:iFilm
- 35. 從國會圖書館下載電影
- 36. 從Webshots下載圖片
- 37. 使用dailystrips下載漫畫
- 38. 存檔你最喜愛的網路攝影機
- 39. 為你的網站提供新聞桌布
- 40. 僅保存POP3電子郵件附件
- 41. 從播放列表下載MP3
- 42. 使用nget從Usenet下載
- 第4章. 從數據庫中提取數據
- 43. 使用yahoo2mbox存檔Yahoo! Groups消息
- 44. 使用WWW::Yahoo::Groups存檔Yahoo! Groups消息
- 45. 從Yahoo!提取Buzz
- 46. 抓取Yahoo!目錄
- 47. 追蹤Yahoo!的新增內容
- 48. 使用Yahoo!和Google進行散佈搜索
- 49. 在Google中獲得Yahoo!目錄的心智份額
- 50. 無網誌的Google結果
- 51. 抓取、Google和多個域名
- 52. 抓取Amazon.com產品評論
- 53. 接收新添加的Amazon.com評論的電子郵件警報
- 54. 抓取Amazon.com客戶建議
- 55. 發布Amazon.com聯盟統計
- 56. 按評級排序Amazon.com推薦
- 57. 使用Alexa獲得相關的Amazon.com產品
- 58. 使用Java抓取Alexa的競爭數據
- 59. 使用FreeDB和Amazon.com查找專輯信息
- 60. 擴展你的音樂品味
- 61. 將每日星座運勢保存到你的iPod
- 62. 使用RRDTOOL繪製數據圖
- 63. 收集金融報價
- 64. 超級作者搜索
- 65. 將O'Reilly暢銷書與圖書館人氣對應
- 66. 使用All Consuming獲取書籍列表
- 67. 使用FedEx追蹤包裹
- 68. 檢查博客的新評論
- 69. 聚合RSS並發布變更
- 70. 使用Technorati的鏈接宇宙
- 71. 查找相關的RSS源
- 72. 自動查找感興趣的博客
- 73. 抓取電視節目表
- 74. 你的訪客的天氣如何?
- 75. 使用地理定位進行趨勢觀察
- 76. 獲得最佳火車旅行路線
- 77. 地理距離與回程
- 78. 超級單詞查詢
- 79. 使用Lexical Freenet進行單詞聯想
- 80. 重新格式化Bugtraq報告
- 81. 通過電子郵件保持對網路的關注
- 82. 將IE的收藏發布到你的網站
- 83. 抓取GameStop.com的遊戲價格
- 84. 使用PHP尋找便宜貨
- 85. 聚合多個搜尋引擎的結果
- 86. 機器人卡拉OK
- 87. 搜尋更好的商業局
- 88. 搜尋健康檢查
- 89. 過濾不當內容
- 第5章. 維護你的收藏
- 90. 使用cron自動化任務
- 91. 無需cron排程任務
- 92. 使用wget和rsync鏡像網站
- 93. 隨著時間累積搜尋結果
- 第6章. 回饋世界
- 94. 使用XML::RSS重新利用數據
- 95. 在你的網站上放置RSS標題
- 96. 使用正則表達式使你的資源可抓取
- 97. 使用REST接口使你的資源可抓取
- 98. 使用XML-RPC使你的資源可抓取
- 99. 創建IM接口
- 100. 超越書本
- 索引