Google Hacks: Tips & Tools for Finding and Using the World's Information, 3/e (Paperback)

Rael Dornfest, Paul Bausch, Tara Calishain





Everyone knows that Google lets you search billions of web pages. But few people realize that Google also gives you hundreds of cool ways to organize and play with information.

Since we released the last edition of this bestselling book, Google has added many new features and services to its expanding universe: Google Earth, Google Talk, Google Maps, Google Blog Search, Video Search, Music Search, Google Base, Google Reader, and Google Desktop among them. We've found ways to get these new services to do even more.

The expanded third edition of Google Hacks is a brand-new and infinitely more useful book for this powerful search engine. You'll not only find dozens of hacks for the new Google services, but plenty of updated tips, tricks and scripts for hacking the old ones. Now you can make a Google Earth movie, visualize your web site traffic with Google Analytics, post pictures to your blog with Picasa, or access Gmail in your favorite email client. Industrial strength and real-world tested, this new collection enables you to mine a ton of information within Google's reach. And have a lot of fun while doing it:

  • Search Google over IM with a Google Talk bot
  • Build a customized Google Map and add it to your own web site
  • Cover your searching tracks and take back your browsing privacy
  • Turn any Google query into an RSS feed that you can monitor in Google Reader or the newsreader of your choice
  • Keep tabs on blogs in new, useful ways
  • Turn Gmail into an external hard drive for Windows, Mac, or Linux
  • Beef up your web pages with search, ads, news feeds, and more
  • Program Google with the Google API and language of your choice

For those of you concerned about Google as an emerging Big Brother, this new edition also offers advice and concrete tips for protecting your privacy. Get into the world of Google and bend it to your will!


Table of Contents




Chapter 1. Web 
Google Web Search Basics   1
Full-Word Wildcards   5
Special Syntax   6
Mixing Syntax   10
Advanced Search   14
Quick Links   17
Language Tools   20
Anatomy of a Search Result   22
Setting Preferences   24
Understanding Google URLs   27

      1. Browse the Google Directory  

      2. Glean a Snapshot of Google in Time  

      3. Visualize Google Results  

      4. Check Your Spelling  

      5. Google Phonebook: Let Google's Fingers Do the Walking  

      6. Look Up Definitions  

      7. Find Directories of Information  

      8. Cover Your Bases  

      9. Hack Your Own Google Search Form  

      10. Compare Google and Yahoo! Search Results  

      11. Cover Your Tracks  

      12. Improve Google's Memory  

      13. Find Out What Google Thinks ___ Is  

      14. Browse the World Wide Photo Album  

      15. Find Similar Images  

      16. Track Stocks  

Chapter 2. Advanced Web 
Assumptions   86

      17. Assemble Advanced Search Queries  

      18. Like a Version: Search with Synonyms  

      19. Capture Google Results in a Google Box  

      20. Cook with Google  

      21. Permute a Query  

      22. Summarize Results by Domain  

      23. Measure Google Mindshare  

      24. SafeSearch Certify URLs  

      25. Search Google Topics  

      26. Run a Google Popularity Contest  

      27. Scrape Yahoo! Buzz for a Google Search  

      28. Compare Google's Results with Other Search Engines  

      29. Scattersearch with Yahoo! and Google  

      30. Yahoo! Directory Mindshare in Google  

      31. Spot Trends with Geotargeting  

      32. Bring the Google Calculator to the Command Line  

      33. Build Your Own Google Search Feeds  

      34. Search Google by Link Graph  

      35. Download Google Videos as AVI Files  

Chapter 3. News and Blogs 
Google News   168
Google Groups   172
Blogs   177
Beyond Google for News and Blogs   180

      36. Scrape Google News  

      37. Visualize Google News  

      38. Map Google News  

      39. Track Your Favorite Sites  

      40. Scrape Google Groups  

      41. Seek Out Blog Commentary  

      42. Glean Blog-Free Google Results  

      43. Find Blog Commentary for Any URL with a Single Click  

      44. Track Topics on Blogs over Time  

      45. Blog from Your Desktop  

      46. Program Blogger with PHP  

Chapter 4. Extending Google 

      47. Keep Tabs on Your Searches with Google Alerts  

      48. Google Your Desktop  

      49. Google with Bookmarklets  

      50. Google from IRC  

      51. Google on the Go  

      52. Google over IM  

      53. Googlify Your Browser  

      54. Search with Google from Any Web Page  

      55. Customize the Firefox Quick Search Box  

      56. Build a Google Screensaver  

      57. Add a Feed to Google Quickly  

      58. Tame Long Google URLs  

      59. Autocomplete Search Terms as You Type  

      60. Refine Your Google Search  

      61. Make Google More Accessible for Low-Vision Users  

      62. Search for Lyrics on Google  

Chapter 5. Google Maps 

      63. Think Global, Google Local  

      64. Get Around  

      65. Find Yourself (and Others) on Google Maps  

      66. Build Your Own Google Map  

      67. Add a Google Map to Your Web Site  

      68. Map Flickr Contacts  

      69. Fly Across the Earth  

Chapter 6. Gmail 
Signing Up   348
Gmail Search Syntax   348
Gmail Chat   351
Additional Resources   352

      70. Create and Use Custom Addresses  

      71. Import Your Contacts into Gmail  

      72. Import Mail into Gmail  

      73. Export Your Gmail  

      74. Gmail on the Go  

      75. Use Gmail as a Linux Filesystem  

      76. Use Gmail as a Hard Drive  

      77. Program Gmail  

      78. Force Gmail to Use a Secure Connection  

Chapter 7. Webmastering 
Google's Importance to Webmasters   399
The Mysterious PageRank   400
The Equally Mysterious Ranking Algorithm   400
Tools for Webmasters   400
Keeping Up with Google's Changes   404
In a Word: Relax   405

      79. A Webmaster's Introduction to Google  

      80. Get Inside the PageRank Algorithm  

      81. 26 Steps to 15 KB a Day  

      82. Be a Good Search Engine Citizen  

      83. Clean Up for a Google Visit  

      84. Remove Your Materials from Google  

      85. Get the Most Out of AdWords  

      86. Generate Google AdWords  

      87. Scrape Google AdWords  

      88. Add Search to Your Site  

      89. Feed News to Your Web Site  

Chapter 8. Programming Google 
Signing Up and Google's Terms   448
The Google Web APIs Developer's Kit   449
Using Your Google API Key   449
What's WSDL?   450
Understanding the Google API Query   451
Understanding the Google API Response   455
Beyond Web APIs   458
A Note on Spidering and Scraping   458

      90. Program Google in Perl  

      91. Install the SOAP::Lite Perl Module  

      92. Program Google with the Net::Google Perl Module  

      93. Loop Around the 10-Result Limit  

      94. Program Google in Java  

      95. Program Google in Python  

      96. Program Google in C# and .NET  

      97. Program Google in VB.NET  

      98. Program Google with ColdFusion  

      99. Program Google with PHP 5  

      100. Program Google with VBScript  

Appendix. Track News About Google 





自從我們發行了這本暢銷書的上一版以來,Google已經為其不斷擴大的世界添加了許多新功能和服務:Google Earth、Google Talk、Google Maps、Google Blog Search、Video Search、Music Search、Google Base、Google Reader和Google Desktop等等。我們找到了更多的方法來讓這些新服務做更多的事情。

擴展版的第三版《Google Hacks》是這個強大搜索引擎的全新且無限更有用的書籍。你不僅會找到許多針對新Google服務的技巧,還有許多更新的提示、技巧和腳本來破解舊服務。現在你可以製作一部Google Earth電影,用Google Analytics可視化你的網站流量,用Picasa將照片發布到你的博客,或者在你喜歡的郵件客戶端中訪問Gmail。這本新的合集經過工業強度和實際測試,讓你在Google的範圍內挖掘大量信息。而且在這個過程中玩得很開心:

- 用Google Talk機器人在即時通訊中搜索Google
- 建立一個自定義的Google地圖並將其添加到你自己的網站
- 隱藏你的搜索軌跡並恢復你的瀏覽隱私
- 將任何Google查詢轉換為你可以在Google Reader或你選擇的新聞閱讀器中監視的RSS訂閱
- 以新的有用方式關注博客
- 將Gmail變成Windows、Mac或Linux的外部硬盤
- 用搜索、廣告、新聞訂閱等增強你的網頁
- 使用你選擇的Google API和語言編程Google



第1章. 網頁
- 簡介
- Google網頁搜索基礎知識
- 全字通配符
- 特殊語法
- 混合語法
- 高級搜索
- 快速連結
- 語言工具
- 搜索結果的結構
- 設置偏好
- 理解Google的URL
