Faster Smarter Digital Photography
暫譯: 更快速、更智能的數位攝影

M David Stone, Ron Gladis

  • 出版商: MicroSoft
  • 出版日期: 2002-12-13
  • 售價: $1,020
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$969
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 336
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0735618720
  • ISBN-13: 9780735618725
  • 相關分類: 設計攝影 Photograph
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)





Take charge of your digital camera and images—faster, smarter, better!

Now you can do everyday things—from snapping birthday photos to sharing an online album—faster, smarter, and better. Dive in! This friendly, high-energy guide makes it easy to teach yourself exactly what you need. You get expert guidance and examples to master the essentials—so you can move on to doing the cool things you want to do!

• Pick the right camera for you—and get creative!
• Compose better shots with tips from a professional photographer
• Learn smart ways to offload and store images
• Crop and resize photos, fix flaws, and add interesting effects
• E-mail your pictures or post them to a Web site
• Create a slide show you run on a PC or a television
• Make the best prints at the right price


Table of Contents:

Acknowledgments xi
Introduction xiii
The part title says it all: the chapters in this part will tell you everything you need to know, whether it's what you need to know to pick the right camera, understand the features in the camera you picked, or take better pictures. They'll also cover such practical issues as how to take best advantage of your camera's memory and how to make your batteries last longer. Armed with the knowledge in these chapters, you'll be all set to take great pictures.  
CHAPTER 1:   Everything's Coming Up Digital 3
    Digital Cameras: The Professional Photographer's Choice (at Least Sometimes) 4
        You've Got to See Your Pictures After You Take Them 5
        A Bit about the Digital World 7
        About Color 13
    How Digital Is Better Than Film and Film Is Better Than Digital 31
        Why Film Wins on Quality 32
        Why Digital Photography Wins on Convenience 36
        Other Advantages: A Point-by-Point Comparison 37
        Digital Photography Versus Film for What You Want to Do 39
CHAPTER 2:   Knowing (and Choosing) Your Camera 41
    Categories of Cameras 42
    What Kind of Photographer Are You? 43
    What Kind of Photographs Do You Want? 44
        Medium-Range Snapshots 45
        Close-Ups 45
        Indoor Shot 46
        Closing in from a Distance 48
        Extreme Close-Ups 49
        Photos That Need Special Lenses or Filters 49
        Panoramas 51
        Stitched Panoramas 52
        Rapid-Fire Stills for Capturing Action 53
        Full-Motion Video 54
    How Easy Is the Camera to Carry? 55
    Choose a Resolution: How Much Do You Need? 56
        What the Minimum Resolutions Are Based On 57
        If You're Picky, You Need More 60
    Choosing a Lens System 60
        Quality of the Optics 61
        Changing the Lens 63
        What Lenses Are Available? 66
        How Easy Is It to Change the Lens? 67
        Adding Filters 67
        The Need for Zoom 68
        Macro Mode: How Close Do You Want to Go? 70
        What's SLR, and Why Does It Matter (But Maybe Not as Much as You Think)? 70
    Choosing a Level of Control 73
    Other Features to Consider 75
CHAPTER 3:   Getting Started with Digital Photography 81
    Common Features and How to Use Them 82
        First Things First 82
        A Step Beyond Basics 92
        Flash 94
        Getting into the Deep End 103
    Choosing Resolution and Compression Settings 105
        Compression: Lossless and Lossy 106
        JPEG Format 107
        About Resolution 110
        Resolution and Compression Together 112
    What to Do with Your Photos After You Take Them 115
CHAPTER 4:   Is That a Snapshot in Your Camera, or Did You Take a Photograph? 119
    Basic Rules of Thumb for Taking Better Pictures 120
        Decide What You're Taking a Picture Of 122
        Get in Close 125
        Anticipate the Action 128
        Anticipate the Shot 130
        Quick Rules 132
    Choosing a Composition 136
        Rule of Thirds 137
        Watch Out for Unwanted Elements 139
    Black and White Versus Color 141
    One Last Thing 143
CHAPTER 5:   Special Issues for Digital Photography 145
    Getting the Photos Out of Your Camera 146
        The Connection Choices: Cable, Docking Station, or Moving a Storage Card 146
        More Choices: Moving Photos Versus Moving Files 153
    Storing Your Photos 155
        The Hard Disk Option 156
        The Removable Disk (or Disc) Option 157
        The Third Way 158
    There's Something about Printers 158
        What Makes a Printer a Photo Printer 158
        About General-Purpose Printers 161
        Printer Limitations 161
CHAPTER 6:   Keep Those Pictures Coming: Batteries and Digital Film 165
    Batteries Included 166
        Alkaline Batteries 168
        Lithium Batteries 168
        Nickel Cadmium (NiCad) Batteries 169
        Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries 169
        Lithium Ion Batteries 170
        Lithium Polymer Batteries 170
    Maximize Your Battery Life 170
        Treat Your Batteries Well 171
        Minimize the Drain on Your Batteries 172
    Making the Most of Your Digital Film 174
    Offloading Your Images on the Road 177
        Burn a CD at a Public Kiosk 177
        In Search of a Kiosk 178
        Taking Advantage of Your Computer (or Sombody Else's) 180
One of the advantages of taking pictures on a digital camera instead of using film is that they are so easy to edit, both to make them more interesting and to fix problems. The chapters in this part show how to crop and resize your photos, remove flaws, add artistic effects, adjust colors, use your photos as screen saver images, and more—including how to stitch photos together to create a panoramic image, and, more important, how to take the photos so you can stitch them together successfully.  
CHAPTER 7:   Getting Creative with Your Camera 187
    Stitching a Panorama Together 188
        Using Stitching Software 189
    Storing and Using Clusters of Settings 192
        The Logic of Clusters 192
        Clusters of Settings as a Power User's Tool 194
CHAPTER 8:   Fun with Pictures: Basic Editing 199
    What's a Photo Editor and How to Get One 200
        Types of Graphic Programs 200
        Photo Editors 202
    Photo Editing 204
        Rotating an Image 205
        Rotating to Reframe an Image 207
        Cropping to Clean Up Clutter 208
        Cropping Can Make a Boring Shot More Interesting 210
        Flipping 211
    Size and Resolution 212
        Sorting Out Some Tangled Threads 212
        Sampling, Resampling, and Resolution 213
        Size and Resize Your Photos as Needed 214
        Resizing for the Screen 216
        About Cropping and Resampling 217
CHAPTER 9:   Advanced Editing: Fixing Flawed Photos 219
    Techniques for Fixing Common Flaws 220
        Red Eye 220
        Adjusting Color 221
        Adjusting Brightness and Contrast 226
        Fixing Specific Areas in a Photo 234
    Removing Unwanted Objects 238
        Cleaning Up Small Areas 238
        Removing Large Objects and People 240
CHAPTER 10:   More Fun with Pictures: Special-Purpose Editing 245
    Special Effects 246
    Adding Graphic Elements 247
        Adding Frames and Cutouts 249
        Postcards, Greeting Cards, and Calendars 251
    From Photo to Screen Saver or Wallpaper 252
    Special-Purpose Editors 254
With digital photography, you have a wide range of choices for how to share your photos. This section covers most of the possibilities, including printing your own photos, having the photos professionally printed, posting them on a Web site, and e-mailing them. It also covers such issues as inserting pictures into documents and creating a slide show to view your photos on your computer monitor or TV. It also discusses the best choices for transferring slides to videotape that you can play in your VCR, and to CD discs that you can play in your DVD player.  
CHAPTER 11:   Printing 259
    Check Your Driver 259
        Opening Your Printer Driver 260
        What to Look for in Your Driver 261
    Choosing the Right Paper (and Ink) 267
        Paper and Ink Basics 267
        Beyond Basics 269
    No Computer? No Printer? No Problem 270
    How to Print Your Photos in Wallet Size, Life-Size Blow Up, or Anything in Between 272
        Where to Find a Big Enough Printer 273
CHAPTER 12:   Viewing Photos on Screen 277
    Creating a Slide Show to View on a Computer 278
    Viewing Your Photos on a TV Screen 280
        Connecting Your Camera to Your TV or VCR 280
        Connecting Your Computer to Your TV or VCR 283
        Recording Your Slide Show on an Optical Disc 286
        Putting Slide Shows on CD 287
    Putting Your Photos on Your PDA 289
        Moving Photos from a Memory Card to Your PDA Memory 290
    A Final Word on Viewing Photos on Screen 291
CHAPTER 13:   Sharing Your Photos: E-mail, Letters, and Web Sites 293
    E-mailing Photos 294
        What's a Reasonable File Size? 294
        Keeping Files to a Reasonable Size for E-mail 296
        The Mechanics of E-mailing a Photo 297
    Adding Photos to Documents 302
    Sharing Photos on Photo Web Sites 306
        How to Find More Sites for Sharing Photos 308
        Other Web Sites of Interest 308



• 選擇適合您的相機——並發揮創意!
• 從專業攝影師那裡獲得構圖技巧,拍出更好的照片
• 學習智能的影像轉移和儲存方法
• 裁剪和調整照片大小,修正瑕疵,並添加有趣的效果
• 通過電子郵件發送您的照片或將其上傳到網站
• 創建可在電腦或電視上播放的幻燈片
• 以合適的價格製作最佳印刷品

- 致謝 xi
- 介紹 xiii
- 第一部分:基礎知識:您需要知道的
- 第1章:一切都在數位化 3
- 數位相機:專業攝影師的選擇(至少有時如此) 4
- 拍完照片後,您必須查看您的照片 5
- 數位世界簡介 7
- 關於顏色 13
- 數位相機比膠卷更好的原因,以及膠卷比數位相機更好的原因 31
- 為什麼膠卷在品質上勝出 32
- 為什麼數位攝影在便利性上勝出 36
- 其他優勢:逐點比較 37
- 數位攝影與膠卷攝影的比較 39
- 第2章:了解(和選擇)您的相機 41
- 相機的類別 42
- 您是什麼類型的攝影師? 43
- 您想拍攝什麼類型的照片? 44
- 中距離快照 45
- 特寫 45
- 室內拍攝 46
- 從遠處拍攝 48
- 極近拍攝 49
- 需要特殊鏡頭或濾鏡的照片 49
- 全景 51
- 拼接全景 52
- 捕捉動作的快速拍攝 53
- 全動態視頻 54
- 相機攜帶的便利性 55
- 選擇解析度:您需要多少? 56
- 最低解析度的依據 57
- 如果您很挑剔,您需要更多 60
- 選擇鏡頭系統 60
- 光學品質 61
- 更換鏡頭 63
- 可用的鏡頭有哪些? 66
- 更換鏡頭的便利性 67
- 添加濾鏡 67
- 變焦的需求 68
- 微距模式:您想拍攝多近? 70
- 什麼是單反相機,為什麼它重要(但也許沒有您想的那麼重要)? 70
- 選擇控制的程度 73
- 其他需要考慮的功能 75
- 第3章:開始數位攝影 81
- 常見功能及其使用方法 82
- 首先要做的事情 82
- 超越基礎的步驟 92
- 閃光燈 94
- 進入深水區 103
- 選擇解析度和壓縮設置 105
- 壓縮:無損和有損 106
- JPEG格式 107
- 關於解析度 110
- 解析度和壓縮的結合 112
- 拍攝後如何處理您的照片 115
- 第4章:您的相機裡是快照還是攝影作品? 119
- 拍攝更好照片的基本法則 120
- 決定您要拍攝的對象 122
- 靠近拍攝 125
- 預測動作 128
- 預測拍攝 130
- 快速法則 132
- 選擇構圖 136
- 三分之一法則 137
- 注意不必要的元素 139
- 黑白與彩色 141
- 最後一件事 143
- 第5章:數位攝影的特殊問題 145
- 從相機中取出照片 146
- 連接選擇:電纜、擴充座或移動儲存卡 146
- 更多選擇:移動照片與移動檔案 153
- 儲存您的照片 155
- 硬碟選項 156