Beyond Bullet Points: Using PowerPoint to tell a compelling story that gets results, 4/e (Paperback)

Cliff Atkinson



Beyond Bullet Points, Fourth Edition

“Throw away those room-emptying, left-brain slides–and use Atkinson’s book to turn your PowerPoint presentation into an epic.” –Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and A Whole New Mind


Think beyond bullet points–and amplify the impact of your message! Now in its fourth edition, this popular classic illuminates an innovative, step-by-step methodology designed to unlock the amazing visual story waiting to be released from your message. Communications expert Cliff Atkinson shows how to apply classic storytelling tenets and practical, research-based guidelines as you work with Microsoft PowerPoint–for memorable, meaningful, and persuasive visual stories. Change your approach–and transform your results!


Find your story thread
Create an emotional connection to increase your impact.


Cut through the clutter
Distill your message and get right to the point.



Bring your story to life
Storyboard your ideas, find your natural voice, and deliver a compelling presentation!



「拋棄那些讓人無法忍受、只會讓人左腦失去興趣的投影片,並使用阿特金森的書籍將你的 PowerPoint 簡報變成一個史詩般的作品。」-丹尼爾·H·平克(Daniel H. Pink),《驅動力》和《全新思維》的作者。

超越彈珠筆記,放大你的訊息影響力!這本廣受歡迎的經典作品第四版,揭示了一種創新的、逐步的方法論,旨在從你的訊息中釋放出令人驚豔的視覺故事。傳播專家克里夫·阿特金森(Cliff Atkinson)展示了如何應用經典故事講述原則和實用的、基於研究的準則,與 Microsoft PowerPoint 一起工作,打造令人難忘、有意義且有說服力的視覺故事。改變你的方法,改變你的成果!


